/About Me
I'm a Full-Stack Developer, specializing in Next.js and the MERN stack. With experience in Linux, API integration, Firebase, and frontend technologies like Tailwind CSS, Ant Design etc..., I Develop secure and responsive web applications. My expertise includes building SEO friendly Next.js applications, Structured Code and I’m keen to understand your project needs and collaborate effectively.

Let's work together to bring your vision to life!
# Skills
  • NextJS
  • NodeJS
  • ReactJS
  • Python3
  • Html
  • Css
  • MongoDB
  • Kali Linux
  • Parrot Security
  • Black Arch
  • Garuda Linux
  • Windows
  • Cyber Security
  • Networking
  • Discord API
  • Google API
  • Instagram API
  • Linux System Administration
#Currently Working On
ShadowX Hotline
Next.js, SERP API
ShadowX Hotline
Be updated with Latest Cyber Security News
#Hobbies / Interests

I am not completely immersed in the Tech World, you could find me exploring outdoors. I have a deep love for traveling and bike rides which helps me recharge.

I winter more than summer
I often go for a short ride
I love to Travel places
I listen to music when I work
I used to play basketball
I love to play PC games
I am not a mobilized
I am not an avid mobile device user
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